So why is it that most Christians don't talk to others about Jesus?                                                           

                                                             There may be a number of reasons:                                                                             Many Christians are simply apathetic.
                                                                     They already have their "Faith".

                                                                     Or they may say:

                                                                     "I'll look like a fanatic and lose my friends".                                                                        "I'm afraid and will be embarassed".  
                                                                     "My answers aren't good enough".
                                                                     "I don't know the Bible well enough".

These all may be factors, but perhaps the two major reasons are:

1)   Many Christians are living a defeated, worldly life.        
        Some may say, "My kind of Christianity is not worth exporting".  If this is true in your
        life, you can experience God's love and forgiveness, and begin walking in His Spirit. 
        In this SHARING YOUR FAITH Seminar, important "Secrets" of living the abundant
        and fruitful Christian life will also be covered.

2)   Most Christians do not witness 
       because they don't know how.      
        You will learn "HOW TO" effectively 
        communicate your faith in Christ, and
        discover God's plan as you begin to
        experience the abundant life.        

Speaking of "Secrets"...     

Ever have a friend tell you about a "Best Kept Secret"?  
A special vacation spot, a real estate property, or perhaps 
an item of merchandise?    How about a "Secret Pill"...

Imagine that a "nutty professor" has invented a new pill that allows people to live two or three hundred years with the body of a 25-year old.   Imagine he has given you a million pills and has told you to give them to a million people so they can have this amazing kind of life.   But you have hidden them in your closet, giving none away, not even to your best friend Joe.Years have gone by, Joe has aged.  Hair gray.  Wheelchair. Wrinkles as deep as canyons.  You're now both 94.  Yet you are running marathons, staying up all night, looking 25 years old, happy as can be about the future.  And you've never told anyone about the pills.                                                                   
                                                             Wouldn't it be incredibly selfish and unloving 
                                                             for you not to tell others, even your best 
                                                             friend, about the greatest secret in life?

                                                             This is the same as a Christian not talking about                                                                    Jesus and their own changed life.  But the                                                                            difference is that Jesus can lead us to an Eternal 
                                                             Life with God, a life of supreme well-being, not a
                                                             mere 300 years of youth.

            Christians, you know the "Secret"!    Many in the world 
            around you don't...and are waiting to hear the Good News!
     Welcome to
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  Why we should Witness

1)  People are separated from God.
        Jesus came to earth to seek and to save the lost.
        Today He seeks the lost through the witness of His 
        people.  When we realize that people without the 
        Lord are separated for Eternity without God, it 
        motivates us to reach out to others with His love.   

        God's Word is clear  
        "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is 
        no other name under heaven given to men by 
        which we must be saved".  (Acts 4:12)   

        Jesus says, "I am the Way and the Truth and 
        the Life.   No one comes to the Father except 
          through me".        (John 14:6)      

​        When we introduce others to Christ, they begin the journey of Faith and receive His 
        wonderful benefits.   They become children of God, their sins are forgiven, they
        experience God's love, and have the assurance of Eternal Life.

2)  Sharing Our Faith is a Direct Command of Jesus Christ.

        As Christ's Ambassadors, we have the tremendous 
        privilege and honor of representing Jesus to the world.              

       "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" 
                                                              (Matthew 4:19)  

       "You did not choose me, but I chose you and 
        appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that 
        will last."  (John 15:16)

3)  The love of Christ compels us to share our Faith.           

        Experiencing His love motivates us to introduce others to this life of peace and joy.   
        God blesses us through what we sow for Him.   Witnessing stimulates our spiritual 
        growth and we receive wonderful benefits from His bountiful Harvest.  He gives us 
        the power to witness through His Holy Spirit:        

        "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be 
         my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends 
         of the earth."  (Acts 1:8)

How to Witness Effectively...

You can Share your Faith 
with Confidence! 

Introducing others to Christ is one of the
greatest experiences a Christian can have.  
In this "HOW TO" Seminar you will learn:  

   -  Why we should Witness
   -  How to Witness Effectively
   -  The Faith-sharing "Secret" 

 "How To" Seminar