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             The Point of Decision

                 The next crucial part in sharing Christ with others
                       is to help those who want to receive Him as 
                               Savior to know exactly what to do.    

         Law 4 explains "We must receive Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord" 
                                                                     (to experience the abundant life and eternal life)   
            The Prayer is the Point of Decision.   You may first want to read the Prayer aloud to them, then ask, 
            "Does this Prayer express the desire of your heart?"  

            If the answer is "yes", say, "You can pray this Prayer right now if you really mean it, and Christ will 
            come into your life as He promised."    Then pause to pray and suggest that if the person will pray 
            aloud, you can pray with him or her.     You may also wish to have the individual pray after you, phrase 
            by  phrase.  Be sensitive and don't offend by "forcing" the Prayer.   Some may prefer to pray their own 
            prayer or silently.   Have them say "Amen" when finished, then you can pray aloud for the new believer.

            If the person makes no commitment after you read the Booklet at this point, avoid offending the 
            person.   Don't try to argue or pressure anyone into making a "decision" for Christ.   Jesus says, 
            "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him"  (John 6:44)

                      The important thing is not what you do, but what the Holy Spirit does 
                   through you.  Success in witnessing is simply sharing Christ with  
                   others in the power of the Holy Spirit, then leaving the results to God.

            If the person does not pray to receive Christ at this time, maintain a positive and loving attitude. 
            You may wish to read the assurance of salvation in the rest of the Booklet.   You may then want to give 
            the individual another opportunity to receive Christ by inviting him to pray with you.

            Others may wish to pray at a later time after they better understand what is involved in receiving 
            Christ.   You can suggest that they re-read the Booklet later that day and decide to receive Christ at 
            that time.    Ask the person to call you as soon as he or she does so.  Many people receive the Savior 
            alone after your time together is over.

     Assurance of Faith   
            It is important that the new believer is grounded in the Faith.   You can help the new believer
            to be sure he is a Christian.   After the individual has prayed, you can ask, "Did you receive Christ 
            into your life?   According to Revelation 3:20, Christ said He would come into our lives":  

                      "Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice 
                       and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."

            "According to His promise, where is Christ right now in relation to you?   Would he mislead you?"...
            "On what authority do you know that God has answered your prayer?"   Explain that our authority
             is the trustworthiness of God Himself and His Word.  Together read 1 John 5:11-13:
                           "This is the testimony;  God has given us eternal life, and this life is in 
                           his Son.   He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son 
                           of God does not have life.   I write these thing to you who believe in the 
                           name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life."
                      Emphasize that we can know we have Eternal Life on the basis 
                      of the Promises from God's divinely inspired Word.

     The Importance of Faith        

             The Word of God says that we receive Christ by faith and we are to live by faith.  This 
             doesn't exclude the importance of emotions, but according to John 14:21  you are not 
             to seek an emotional experience; but to live by faith and obey God's commands.

                     "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me."

             The Booklets have more information about the importance of Fact, Faith, and Feelings.

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