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HomeHow to Witness EffectivelyThe PresentationThe Point of DecisionFollow-up & Contact


Many Christians don't share their Faith or fail in their efforts because they simply don't know how to go about it.

Knowing HOW TO witness to others will make the difference in the confidence and success you will have in sharing your Faith.   Before you can introduce others to Christ, it is important that you:

                  1)  Know that you are a Christian  
                  2)  Depend on the Holy Spirit to guide you.     
                  3)  Learn HOW TO present a simple plan of the Gospel 
                               those you talk to can make an intelligent 
                                               decision for Christ as Savior and Lord.

Where to Begin?

1)  Prayer    Begin each day with prayer.  Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide 
                       you to those whose hearts He has prepared.

2)  Be Genuine and Personable

                       People respond to love  Be "real" and share from your heart.  
                       Because of God's great love for us, it motivates us to witness.

                       Rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to lead you in your conversation. 
                       Relax and let Him do what He wants to do through you. 

                       We do not share our Faith to win an argument or promote a cause.  
                       Some will not be ready to make a commitment or respond positively.

                       God may use you to "sow" the Gospel at times, or "reap" the Harvest.  
                       Sharing your Faith is a great privilege, not a legalistic responsibility.

                       God honors those who are faithful to Him. 

3)  Use a Simple, Clear Gospel Presentation

                       Several Organizations have Booklets that are excellent Evangelistic Tools:

                                    The Four Spiritual Laws  - CRU  (Campus Crusade for Christ, Intl.) 
                                    Steps to Peace with God  - The Billy Graham Association
                                    These Booklets may be purchased in quantity through each
                                    organization's website, or from your local Christian Bookstore.

                                     (Check out Helpful Links on the Follow-up & Contact  page)

                        There are many benefits in using a Booklet for sharing your Faith.

                        It gives you confidence and a natural way to open the conversation.
                        It begins with God's love, and Bible verses are highlighted throughout. 

                        It helps you be prepared, and to be brief and focused on the subject.
                        You will know what you are going to say and how you are going to say it.

                        It presents the Gospel and the claims of Christ clearly and simply.
                        It leads to a personal decision through a suggested prayer.

                        It gives "Assurance of Faith" and suggestions for spiritual growth.

The "Secret" to Sharing your Faith

Sometimes well-meaning Christians with a legalistic mind-set attempt  to "persuade" others 
with their knowledge and intellectual arguments..   In their own strength and under a self-imposed pressure to share their Faith, they eventually get discouraged and realize their witness is futile. 

         When a Christian comes to the realization that he or she can't do it 
         on their own, it becomes a life-changing revelation.   Discovering the 
         ministry and power of the Holy Spirit totally liberates the Christian 
         to live the abundant life Christ promised.  (John 10:10b)  

         Surrendering to His will as you share your Faith with others will 
         dramatically transform lives and result in a fruitful witness for Christ.

How can you experience this abundant Christian life?   

Very simply by asking Christ, through prayer, to take control of every part of your life.  Pray that 
His Holy Spirit will empower you, and direct you to the people whose hearts are prepared, and guide the conversation as you share your Faith.   

Just before Jesus ascended into Heaven He told His disciples that He would send a Comforter, 
a Helper, to give them power to live the Christian life and to share with others the life-changing message.  "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you"  was the 
promise of Jesus for His followers who trusted Him. 

Through prayer you can ask Jesus to empower you in your witness with 
the guidance of His Holy Spirit:  

                        1)   Ask forgiveness for any unconfessed sin.  
                     2)   Renew your commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.  
                     3)   Thank Him for forgiving your sins.
                     4)   Thank Him for the gift of His Holy Spirit.  
                     5)   Ask Him to empower you in your witness to others.

The Presentation...


How to Witness Effectively