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        The Presentation

                         Using one of the simple Presentation Booklets  
                          (The Four Laws or Peace with God), you will
                              cover all the basics of the "Good News" 
                                  in helping to lead others to Christ:

                     1)   God loves us

                  2)   People are sinful.  People are lost.

                  3)   God loved us so much that He gave His Son.
                        Christ died for our sins.  Christ rose from the dead.

                  4)   Christ wants to come into every life.
                        We must repent of our sins.  We must be born again.
                        We must receive Jesus Christ

                  5)   Assurance:  To as many as receive Jesus, God 
                        gives the right to become His children.
                        We are saved by (His) grace through (our) faith.

                  6)   Follow-Up.

      Beginning a Conversation

            Beginning a conversation is simple. You may use different approaches                depending upon the circumstances.   It could be a random meeting in a                shopping mall, at school or work, a concert or event, or while traveling.

                1)    Take a few minutes to establish rapport by sharing a few things of personal
                        interest about yourself and asking the other person something about themselves. 

                2)    You can explain that you have found something that has made a difference
                         in your life, and you enjoy sharing it with others.

                 3)    Then you can ask them a simple question,    Here are some Examples:

                      - "I recently came across this little Booklet that really makes sense to me.  
                        Have you ever heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?  (or Peace with God).   
                        I'd like to share it with you".

                      - "Have you ever made the wonderful discovery of knowing Christ personally?  
                         Would you like to?   Have you ever heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?"

                      - "This Booklet is one of the most widely read Booklets in history. More than 
                         two billion copies have been distributed in every language. Have you ever
                         heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?"

                      - "The content of this Booklet has been used to change the lives of millions of 
                         people.   It contains truths that I believe will be of interest to you.  Would you 
                         like to read it?   I'd be interested in your impressions of it".

                      -  "Sometimes events and life on this earth can be unpredictable.  If you were 
                          to die today, do you know for sure that you will go to heaven?"  If the answer is
                          yes, ask:, "On what basis do you know for sure that you are going to heaven?" 
                          ...."This little Booklet, the Four Spiritual Laws, will help you know for sure that 
                          you will go to heaven when you die".

                      -  "I have discovered a remarkable Booklet that has been a great help to me.  
                          I am a Christian and would like to share it with you.  Have you ever heard of 
                          the Four Spiritual Laws?"

     Presenting the Booklet

            There are many ways to share your Faith.  As previously mentioned, a simple,
              effective way to share your Faith is to use The Four Spiritual Laws or Peace with God
              Booklets.  Before sharing the Booklet with others, read it over carefully, practice, and
              become acquainted with it.  After you have started the conversation and introduced the
              Booklet, you can simply read through it aloud as they follow along.

             As you read the Booklet the person may ask questions along the way.                    You can simply say, "that's a good question.  When we finish reading this, we can talk
               about it". The reading of the Booklet will often answer their questions.  (Generally, most
               people will agree on the first 3 Laws and are not likely to ask many, if any,questions).  

             Then you can proceed to Law Four with confidence. 

              The Point of Decision...