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    Follow-up & Contact

             Follow-up with the new believer is extremely important:

          1)    Write down the name and address with those you pray with.  
                  Arrange to meet soon for follow-up and spiritual counsel.   

           2)   Give them a New Believer's New Testament and literature
                  and invite them to come with you to Church and Bible study.

           3)   Encourage them to share their new Faith with others.

Full Circle      

"As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew 
casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.  'Come, follow Me,' Jesus said, 
'and I will make you fishers of men.'  At once they left their nets and followed Him."   
                                                                                                                         Mark 1:17, 18
There is no greater adventure in life than introducing others to our Savior.  Now the new believer has the opportunity to experience this exciting life by sharing his or her Faith with others. The Lord will bless you as you obey His command to be fruitful by spreading His message of the free gift of Salvation.    If the following prayer expresses the desire of your 
heart, make it your own:

               Lord Jesus.  I thank You for Your love for me.  I thank You that through
                Your death and resurrection I have been forgiven of my sins and am 
                able to live a fruitful life for You each day.  As an expression of my love 
                for You and for all people, and in obedience to Your command, I want 
                to give daily priority to introducing others to You.  Thank You for Your 
                promise to make me fruitful if I follow You.    Amen.
Thank you for joining us in this SHARING YOUR FAITH Seminar.  I trust you enjoyed
learning practical ways of "HOW TO" witness to others and share your Faith in the 
power of the Holy Spirit.   We would like to hear from you.    Let us know how this
Faith4Today Seminar was of help to you in your Christian life.






                   Your Contact information will be kept confidential. .   


HELPFUL LINKS       This is a Website that you can use to share your Faith with others.
                                           Starting with "Mysteries of the Supernatural",  it is an easy to   
                                           understand presentation of "the Good News" with four steps,  
                                           a prayer, assurance, and follow-up in living the Christian Life.       An excellent Website with helpful information for new Christians.            Answers to questions about Faith, God, and the Christian Life.
                                           includes a presentation in how to become a Christian.